Новости / А.Е.Шаститко выступил приглашенным редактором спецвыпуска Russian Journal of Economics со вступительным словом Antitrust in BRICS: Agenda and achievements in comparative perspectiveПрофессор Шаститко Андрей Евгеньевич выступил приглашенным редактором спецвыпуска Russian Journal of Economics (6(3), 2020, С. 213-218) со вступительным словом "Antitrust in BRICS: Agenda and achievements in comparative perspective"
Introductionary part of the Foreword In the XXI century antimonopoly policy with its extensive laws and intensive enforcement is not the sole “privilege” of developed countries. There are three points addressed in this article which opens the special issue of Russian Journal of Economics (RuJE) devoted to antitrust in the BRICS countries:
As an invited editor I’d like to express my sincerest gratitude to all the authors of the special issue who shared their ideas about various aspects of antimonopoly policy in the BRICS countries with the journal’s audience. I’d also like to thank all the referees who read manuscripts and gave recommendations on their development. RuJE is a hospitable platform for the publication of original research on competition issues and antitrust policy. Throughout the almost six years of the journal’s existence, this topic has constantly recurred. I hope that this special issue will arouse additional interest among readers and potential authors and trigger a discussion on competition policy issues in the journal.
Полный текст статьи доступен по ссылке на сайте журнала Russian Journal of Economics 25 сентября, 2020