Новости / Опубликована статья Павловой Н.С., Шаститко А.Е. и Курдина А.А. "The calling card of Russian digital antitrust" в спецвыпукске Russian Journal of Economics Antitrust in BRICS: Agenda and achievements in comparative perspectiveОпубликована статья Павловой Натальи Сергеевны, Шаститко Андрея Евгеньевича и Курдина Александра Александровича "The calling card of Russian digital antitrust" в спецвыпукске Russian Journal of Economics Antitrust in BRICS: Agenda and achievements in comparative perspective (6(3), 2020, С. 258-276)
Abstract Digital antitrust is at the forefront of all expert discussions and is far from becoming an area of consensus among researchers. Moreover, the prescriptions for developed countries do not fit well the situation in developing countries, and namely in BRICS: where the violator of antitrust laws is based compared to national firms becomes an important factor that links competition and industrial policy. The article uses three recent cases from Russian antitrust policy in the digital sphere to illustrate typical patterns of platform conduct that lead not just to a restriction of competition that needs to be remedied by antitrust measures, but also to noteworthy distribution effects. The cases also illustrate the approach taken by the Russian competition authority to some typical problems that arise in digital markets, e.g. market definition, conduct interpretation, behavioral effects, and remedies. The analysis sheds light on the specifics of Russian antitrust policy in digital markets, as well as their interpretation in the context of competition policy in developing countries and the link between competition and industrial policies. Keywords: digital antitrust, competition policy, industrial policy, platforms, multi-sided markets, essential facilities, consumer bias. JEL classification: K21, L41
Полный текст статьи доступен по ссылке на сайте журнала Russian Journal of Economics 25 сентября, 2020