Новости / Опубликована статья Авдашевой С.Б., Головановой С.В. и Шаститко А.Е.

Опубликована статья профессора Авдашевой Светланы Борисовны, профессора Головановой Светланы Викторовны и профессора Шаститко Андрея Евгеньевича " Global Governance in Transformation. Challenges for International Cooperation" в сборнике "The Contribution of BRICS to the International Competition Policy Regime"(Изд-во: Springer, pp 241-259).


In the modern world, competition policy is an important part of global governance. Coordination of efforts between different countries is not an easy task, because the distribution of gains and losses from anticompetitive conducts is uneven across the globe. We identify joint interests of BRICS to influence international competition policy regime and analyse the effects of domestic enforcement on global markets. Among the targets of competition enforcement with large effects on global markets are conducts of international property rights holders. BRICS authorities apply remedies in order to weaken intellectual property rights (IPR) protection, both under merger approval and infringement decisions on unilateral conducts.

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10 сентября, 2019